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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

January 15, 2014

What have you learned about Google Drive and Google Presentation so far? What do you like about it? What problems have you run in to? Is it better than PowerPoint?

I have learned a lot about Google Drive and Google Presentation so far. I actually love using Google drive and I look forward to using it to save all of my work. I learned that it is a very convenient way to store your information. I love how in Google Presentation, you don't even have to worry about saving your work. It just saves automatically. Last night when I was making my "Who am I" power point, my pictures wouldn't save on my computer from my email. So, I just saved them to Google drive and it worked fine after that. Google Presentation is extremely convenient and I will definitely choose this over regular Power point. You don't have to worry about sending it to your email. Google Drive is the home for all of my files and will now be for a long time. I have not had any problems in Google Drive and Google Presentation.

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