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Thursday, February 11, 2016

Blog Post #5

My most prized possession would have to be the scrapbook collection that my mom has made me growing up. I am so thankful that my Mom and Dad took pictures of me as a child to now, even though I probably complained a ton, while having hold a smile for long periods. These books contain pictures that were not taken on a camera that could upload the pictures on to a computer, so the books are very valuable to my family and I. These pictures show my childhood, and there are pictures from my best memories and family adventures. If they were to get destroyed, there are no way I could see these pictures and bring back these treasured memories. These books are incredible. It would take my Mom hours to complete just one page. She wanted me to be able to look back through them as I grow, and cherish all those who have been in my life. This book has pictures of my grandparents who are no longer alive. Even though I have few pics of them on my computer, the pictures in this album allow me to look back and be thankful of the time I did get to spend with them when I miss them. If I become famous, they could hold a lot of monetary value, but if that plan doesn’t occur, they will simply be sentimental value to my family and I. Overall, this is extremely special to me, because when life gets rough I look back at all the fun times spent, and I could not imagine losing this precious documentation.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Final Project-May 18, 2014

Who am I?
My name is Lauren Barash. This is a project I completed about my family history for Emerging Technology. I gained a lot of knowledge through doing this project and was surprised about how little I actually knew to start off. I had various ways of gathering information for this project.  First, I interviewed my mom and dad. They gave me tons of very helpful information, but I needed more.  To get more, I next e-mailed my grandma, grandpa and aunt. With all of this information, I was able to make a family tree using Family Echo.  I was also able to create a Prezi, Infographic, and a 5-Frame Storyboard using all the information.

Waiting for the food to be grilled...... :)

Monday, May 5, 2014

May 5, 2014

It is scary to think of the topics that he brought up because it is all 100% true. Everyday we use so much technology that this generation is full of people that can't properly communicated. Not going to lie, I think it is easier to say certain things over text but this is where the issue is. People are feeling lonely because of all of the technology. Yeah, you have facebook or twitter friends but those are not true friends. I thought it was interesting how they brought up the dad child bond. It is so true. As I kid I was outside all of the time. Now with all of this technology, parents are setting up games on the ipad for them to play and this is not the same. This was so interesting and true.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

April 23, 2014

This blog post was inspiring. With cheer, work and honors classes, for me life can be hard at times. Especially this year. To be completely honest sometimes I have given up because I don't want to learn anymore. As a student, I need to keep pushing. In this article, I learned that its not just the material you are learning in school, its your ability to keep pushing and persevere. I believe the teacher is concerned about how the students are giving up. They are giving up by not taking opportunities, taking the easy was out and being rude and disrespectful. When students are doing this, it is not preparing them for the future and it can destroy your happiness. So, its not just the math problems and writing that your get from school, its how you learn and persevere.

Monday, April 21, 2014

April 21, 2014

Blog Post of the Day:
Reflect on your stop-motion animation project. How did it go? What worked? What didn't work? If you're not finished - why? If you are finished go in to detail about the project and what you learned. Give as much detail and information as possible.

My project didn't turn out as well as i would have hoped although its not bad. The project in itself worked. I took the pictures in my room and the pictures ended up with really weird lighting. The idea of a stop motion with the crayons worked though. I am finished. When i first started the project, I grouped the shades of colors so when I placed them on the board they looked like a rainbow. I learned that by taking pictures of the same thing and adding to it can create a really cool video. I want to make another stop motion with a different subject. I think they are so cool :)

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

April 9, 2014

What is your idea for your stop-motion animation? Explain yourself. Have you started taking photos? If not, when do you plan to take your photos? What is your action plan for today? What is your plan to GET SOMETHING DONE?

Well, at first I was going to do a stop motion animation related to cheer. But, then I realized that it would be way too hard. So, I explored some other stop motion videos and I thought of something. For my stop motion I am using crayons. I am gluing them onto a canvas or some sort and I am making a design out of it. Then, I am going to melt them and that is my idea. I have not started taking photos. I am getting the supplies after school today. I also need to take all of the photos I have off of my phone because I ran out of storage. My plan is to finish all of this before Monday.

Monday, April 7, 2014

April 7, 2014

What is stop motion animation? If you don't know, look it up! Explain.
This is a process that makes stationary objects look like they are moving. These are created by taking an object like a figure of some sort and then taking pictures of it in a path that makes it look as it is moving. You can take thousands of pictures and put them together and it can make it look like your object is traveling.