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Thursday, February 11, 2016

Blog Post #5

My most prized possession would have to be the scrapbook collection that my mom has made me growing up. I am so thankful that my Mom and Dad took pictures of me as a child to now, even though I probably complained a ton, while having hold a smile for long periods. These books contain pictures that were not taken on a camera that could upload the pictures on to a computer, so the books are very valuable to my family and I. These pictures show my childhood, and there are pictures from my best memories and family adventures. If they were to get destroyed, there are no way I could see these pictures and bring back these treasured memories. These books are incredible. It would take my Mom hours to complete just one page. She wanted me to be able to look back through them as I grow, and cherish all those who have been in my life. This book has pictures of my grandparents who are no longer alive. Even though I have few pics of them on my computer, the pictures in this album allow me to look back and be thankful of the time I did get to spend with them when I miss them. If I become famous, they could hold a lot of monetary value, but if that plan doesn’t occur, they will simply be sentimental value to my family and I. Overall, this is extremely special to me, because when life gets rough I look back at all the fun times spent, and I could not imagine losing this precious documentation.

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