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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

February 26 2014

Why do I have you brainstorm and collect your information in a Google Doc before putting in to final draft? Explain.

You have to collect info on a Google document for many reasons. I always collect information before starting any type of project because it makes it organized and easy to use. Also, I have collected a lot of facts and there is no way that I would have been able to remember them all. This is very organized and will make creating a piktochart easy. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

February 25, 2014

Yesterday I introduced you to infographics... tell me again what they are and how they are used? What is the benefit of an infographic? What goes into an infogrpahic?

Also, go out and see if you can find an already existing infographic on your global issue. Save the image to your computer and upload the image into your blog post for today. Save the source link to the image so that you can site the image in your blog post. See my examples at the end of this post.

An info graphic is a visual way to organize information. It is very organized and are usually filled with pictures and information about a topic. It has tons of statistics and representations to go with these.  The benefit is seeing crucial information in an organized fashion. Because they are so easy to read, it is easy for people to take a lot of information in at once. 

Monday, February 24, 2014

Monday, February 24

Post your research paper to your blog. Give me a short (one paragraph summary) of your paper and include the link for me read your paper. Make sure you link up words! Do NOT copy and paste the ugly link. This should not be foreign to you.

My Global Issue Paper

My topic is Alcohol Abuse. When researching for this essay, I learned an abundance of information. I learned that depression and family problems are examples of why people may resort to alcohol. I also learned the effects to light and heavy drinking. I also learned about how people should call for help if they have become addicted. I learned that alcohol is not a substance to mess around with. Despite the effects on the body it can leave to tragedies like car accidents as well.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Where are you at with your 5 paragraph essay so far? How is it coming? Is it easy to write? Difficult to write? Is it helpful that you created an outline first? Explain.

In my essay, I recently finished my third paragraph. It is coming very well. The outline has made it extremely easy. I am very glad that I spent a long time on my outline because that has made my essay come together. I have definitely expanded from my outline though. On my outline I went into detail and in my essay, I took the detail and elaborated. I hope to finish my essay today and if not at home but all I have is a body paragraph and the conclusion. All in all, it is going great!

Friday, February 7, 2014

January 7, 2014

Tell me about your Sweetheart weekend. If you didn't go to Sweetheart, what did you do? I want details!

I actually didn't go to sweetheart. This weekend I had a cheer competition in Chicago. It was awesome. My team (Platinum) ended up getting second in our division which is really good. However, we did not end up getting the paid bid to Florida but we are going to try for that in Texas in two weeks. In Chicago, I didn't get to do anything other then cheer which was disappointing cause they have a lot of shops and malls. It was also colder than Kansas. All in all, my team did really good at the compeition which made the trip a blast! I missed school Thursday and Monday so this is my first day of school in a while with the snow days. 

January 31, 2014

 Who do you look up to in life? Why? What have they done to help you or guide you?

I look up to my neighbor Caroline who I have known since I was little. She is 5 years older than me. When I was little, she was my babysitter. I look up to her because she is a good person all around. She always helped me with any problems that I had and she is always there for me. She often gave me advice with girl drama. I know that if I ever need help that I can call Caroline. She is a Junior at KU and she is working to be a nurse. She works so hard and soon this will be me!